This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Talbott. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Talbott, Daniel | 28 December 1606 | |||
Talbott, Edward | 6 November 1658 | 6 January 1692 | Thomas, Elizabeth | |
Talbott, Elizabeth | Lawrence, Benjamin | |||
Talbott, Elizabeth | 1711 | 5 June 1749 | Duvall, Samuel | Talbott, John Waters, Mary |
Talbott, John | 1684 | 1725 | Waters, Mary | Talbott, Edward Thomas, Elizabeth |
Talbott, Lewes | 26 February 1600 | |||
Talbott, Susannah | 8 December 1735 | 6 September 1798 | Magruder, Hezekiah |