This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Wire. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Wire, Elizabeth Rachel | 5 October 1889 | Wire, Emanuel Benjamin Newburn, Zelphia Adaline | ||
Wire, Emanuel Benjamin | August 1861 | 28 January 1926 | Newburn, Zelphia Adaline | |
Wire, Frederick Lemoine | 7 August 1906 | 18 April 1969 | Dozier, [Living], | Wire, Emanuel Benjamin Newburn, Zelphia Adaline |
Wire, Lenora Belva | 10 March 1894 | Anderson, [Living] | Wire, Emanuel Benjamin Newburn, Zelphia Adaline | |
Wire, Wilma Leona | 7 December 1891 | 14 March 1899 | Anderson, John A | Wire, Emanuel Benjamin Newburn, Zelphia Adaline |