
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Wire. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Wire, Elizabeth Rachel 5 October 1889     Wire, Emanuel Benjamin Newburn, Zelphia Adaline
Wire, Emanuel Benjamin August 1861 28 January 1926 Newburn, Zelphia Adaline  
Wire, Frederick Lemoine 7 August 1906 18 April 1969 Dozier, [Living], Wire, Emanuel Benjamin Newburn, Zelphia Adaline
Wire, Lenora Belva 10 March 1894   Anderson, [Living] Wire, Emanuel Benjamin Newburn, Zelphia Adaline
Wire, Wilma Leona 7 December 1891 14 March 1899 Anderson, John A Wire, Emanuel Benjamin Newburn, Zelphia Adaline