
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Lewis. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Lewis, Beulah Borgie 28 June 1899 1975 Rutherford, William Edward  
Lewis, Daisy Dean 27 February 1916 8 February 2002 Skaggs, Harry F.  
Lewis, David   1758   Lewis, Richard , Helen
Lewis, David Eason 2 October 1821 1 September 1909 Blakemore, Sarah Douglass Lewis, John Butler, Mahala
Lewis, Eldridge 1826 31 October 1918   Lewis, John Butler, Mahala
Lewis, Felicia 1749 20 November 1849 King, Edward  
Lewis, George 8 January 1762 7 April 1827 Viney, Leah  
Lewis, Jacob 1823 2 September 1902 Tippett, Eliza Ann Lewis, John Butler, Mahala
Lewis, Jane 1700 1725 Cann, William Lewis, Richard , Helen
Lewis, John       Lewis, Richard , Helen
Lewis, John 1635 Warner, Isabella  
Lewis, John 30 November 1669 14 November 1725 Warner, Elizabeth Lewis, John Warner, Isabella
Lewis, John Jr. 1757 30 August 1810 Viney, Mary Rachel  
Lewis, John 29 January 1787 29 November 1859 Butler, Mahala  
Lewis, John 11 April 1825 6 March 1909 Elledge, Sarah Jane Lewis, John Butler, Mahala
Lewis, Margaret 1540 1557 Button, Miles  
Lewis, Mary Jane 6 January 1828 3 January 1917 Avery, Horace B. Lewis, John Butler, Mahala
Lewis, Mourning 1694 8 August 1765 Adams, Robert  
Lewis, Orpha about 1805 30 July 1855 Andrews, Athelston  
Lewis, Patience 1605 1650 Baptisia, John  
Lewis, Richard 24 April 1725 , Helen  
Lewis, Robert Tate 20 September 1838 23 February 1918 Robinson, Serena Elvira Lewis, John Butler, Mahala
Lewis, Sarah 1830     Lewis, John Butler, Mahala
Lewis, Thomas 1719 1749 Hawley, Sarah  
Lewis, William 1752 1815 Viney, Dinah  
Lewis, William Sedrick 16 May 1836 8 July 1889 Mantooth, “Lettie” Letitia or Lydia A, Crow, Harriet Ellen  
Lewis, [Living]     Fishko, [Living]  
Lewis, [Living]       Lewis, [Living] Fishko, [Living]