This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Rice. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Rice, Leora Etta | 13 January 1894 | 5 November 1980 | Forgey, Edgar Coy | |
Rice, Lewis James | 18 August 1895 | 5 June 1982 | Forgey, Mattie Pearl | |
Rice, Magdalania Mary | 23 November 1783 | 1879 | Keller, Jacob | |
Rice, Mary | 1694 | 1751 | Carter, John | |
Rice, Mary Elizabeth | 22 May 1820 | 9 May 1900 | Cook, Joel Beckwith, Walker, Arthur Morgan | |
Rice, Patrick | 1708 | 4 February 1799 | Brooks, Elizabeth | |
Rice, Rachel F. | 1823 | 26 February 1896 | Edwards, Willis B., Casey, Jacob Duckett | |
Rice, Susanna | 24 August 1751 | 29 June 1833 | Hollingsworth, Robert | Rice, Patrick Brooks, Elizabeth |