
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Rice. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Rice, Leora Etta 13 January 1894 5 November 1980 Forgey, Edgar Coy  
Rice, Lewis James 18 August 1895 5 June 1982 Forgey, Mattie Pearl  
Rice, Magdalania Mary 23 November 1783 1879 Keller, Jacob  
Rice, Mary 1694 1751 Carter, John  
Rice, Mary Elizabeth 22 May 1820 9 May 1900 Cook, Joel Beckwith, Walker, Arthur Morgan  
Rice, Patrick 1708 4 February 1799 Brooks, Elizabeth  
Rice, Rachel F. 1823 26 February 1896 Edwards, Willis B., Casey, Jacob Duckett  
Rice, Susanna 24 August 1751 29 June 1833 Hollingsworth, Robert Rice, Patrick Brooks, Elizabeth