
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Lyons. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Lyons     Crichton, Agnes  
Lyons, Emma Armazinda 2 February 1872 November 1964   Lyons, George Washington Holmes Robbins, Miranda
Lyons, George Washington Holmes 24 December 1846 1926 Robbins, Miranda  
Lyons, Margaret Maggie July 1883     Lyons, George Washington Holmes Robbins, Miranda
Lyons, Mary E. about 1868 16 February 1929   Lyons, George Washington Holmes Robbins, Miranda
Lyons, Mary Peaches 16 December 1874 19 December 1912 Butler, Joseph Calub Lyons, George Washington Holmes Robbins, Miranda
Lyons, Robert James 27 May 1875     Lyons, George Washington Holmes Robbins, Miranda
Lyons, [Living]       Lyons, George Washington Holmes Robbins, Miranda
Lyons, [Living]       Lyons, George Washington Holmes Robbins, Miranda