
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Hankins. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Hankins, George F.   May 1999 Forgey, Ella Mae  
Hankins, James Harvey 1873 1900 M., Verda Hankins, Perry Elcannah "Canie" Curry, Sarah L.
Hankins, John Ledgerwood 15 September 1887 13 July 1934 Gowen, Marry Harriet Hankins, Perry Elcannah "Canie" Curry, Sarah L.
Hankins, Osco C. 29 June 1882 1956 Gowen, Sadie L. Hankins, Perry Elcannah "Canie" Curry, Sarah L.
Hankins, Perry Elcannah “Canie” 20 September 1851 22 March 1904 Curry, Sarah L.  
Hankins, Susan “Sudie” Jane 10 February 1884 24 May 1956 Vann, Robert Thurman Hankins, Perry Elcannah "Canie" Curry, Sarah L.