
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Fishko. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Fishko, Anna Dora 9 July 1895 3 December 1981   Fizko, Michal Sohl, Emma
Fishko, Rosa Sarah 1 September 1895 29 July 1985 Luenenborg, Frank Fizko, Michal Sohl, Emma
Fishko, William Howard George 27 April 1920 11 February 2004 Peterson, Marjorie Mae Fishko, William John Rohwer, Elisabeth Anna Maria
Fishko, William John 2 December 1897 6 May 1967 Rohwer, Elisabeth Anna Maria Fizko, Michal Sohl, Emma
Fishko, [Living]     Rodriguez, [Living], Lewis, [Living] Fishko, [Living] Wright, [Living]
Fishko, [Living]     Voxland, [Living] Fishko, [Living] Wright, [Living]
Fishko, [Living]     Wright, [Living] Fishko, William Howard George Peterson, Marjorie Mae