
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Kent. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Kent, Absolam 1677 July 1718 Wadsworth, Mary Kent, Henry Brasseur, Martha
Kent, Athelbert Of before 846 866 Franks, Blithildis of France of the West Saxon, Aethelwulf of Wessex, Osburga of
Kent, Grace 1702 1731   Kent, Absolam Wadsworth, Mary
Kent, Helen De 1170 Montgomerie, John  
Kent, Henry 1625 22 August 1677 Brashear, Martha, Parker, Thomasine  
Kent, Henry 6 January 1652 2 April 1685 Brasseur, Martha  
Kent, Joan de 29 September 1328 8 August 1385 Montacute, William de, Holland, Thomas de Earl of Kent, Plantagenet, Edward “The Black Prince” Prince of Wales Plantagenet, Edmund Wake, Margaret
Kent, Mary Elizabeth 13 February 1855 13 March 1933 Waller, Jacob Carlo  
Kent, Prince Wecta of 237 Asgard, Woden Cadwaladr, Friege
Kent, Priscilla 1701 1744 Wilson, Thomas Kent, Absolam Wadsworth, Mary
Kent, Rebecca 7 February 1648 1683 Poore, John  
Kent, Sarah D. 1851   Hopper, Zachariah P.  
Kent, William 1700 1727   Kent, Absolam Wadsworth, Mary
Kent, Witta Prince 381 432 Kent, Prince Wecta of