
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of McGregor. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
McGregor, Abraham Barnett 4 December 1865 9 October 1893   McGregor, Shadrack Howton, Arthecia N.
McGregor, Albert Hillery 1865 1865   McGregor, Shadrack Howton, Arthecia N.
McGregor, Artenecy 20 March 1869 18 December 1939   McGregor, Shadrack Howton, Arthecia N.
McGregor, David 30 January 1848 6 September 1848   McGregor, Shadrack Howton, Arthecia N.
McGregor, James 25 March 1804 26 August 1865 Chappel, Elizabeth  
McGregor, James Wylie 5 December 1849 8 September 1940 Dunbar, Sarah Elizabeth McGregor, Shadrack Howton, Arthecia N.
McGregor, John Bunyan 27 February 1858 13 April 1930   McGregor, Shadrack Howton, Arthecia N.
McGregor, Julia Amanda 11 September 1857   Wilkey, Isaac Washington  
McGregor, Margaret Louviney 4 March 1856 11 November 1895   McGregor, Shadrack Howton, Arthecia N.
McGregor, Marion Wallis 15 April 1859 11 February 1952 Wilkey, Commodore Perry  
McGregor, Martha Ann 28 April 1870 3 February 1953   McGregor, Shadrack Howton, Arthecia N.
McGregor, Mary Jane 17 November 1854 3 September 1935   McGregor, Shadrack Howton, Arthecia N.
McGregor, Mattie Florenda 17 August 1868 2 May 1948 Wilkey, Walter Vance  
McGregor, Rebecca Caroline 2 June 1859 5 October 1935   McGregor, Shadrack Howton, Arthecia N.
McGregor, Sarah Elizabeth 29 September 1852 13 November 1927 Wilkey, Samuel Houston McGregor, Shadrack Howton, Arthecia N.
McGregor, Shadrack 5 March 1826 17 March 1901 Howton, Arthecia N. McGregor, James Chappel, Elizabeth
McGregor, William Bailey 25 August 1861 2 October 1947   McGregor, Shadrack Howton, Arthecia N.