
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Newbold. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Newbold, Comfort 1713 1747 Henderson, John Newbold, Thomas Purnell, Joyce
Newbold, Elijah 1761     Newbold, John Brittingham, Leah
Newbold, John 1715 1762 Brittingham, Leah Newbold, Thomas Purnell, Joyce
Newbold, Levi 25 August 1755 March 1802   Newbold, John Brittingham, Leah
Newbold, Purnell 1719 1790   Newbold, Thomas Purnell, Joyce
Newbold, Sarah 1707 1765 Brittingham, Elijah Newbold, Thomas Purnell, Joyce
Newbold, Smart 1717     Newbold, Thomas Purnell, Joyce
Newbold, Tabitha 1709 April 1815 Brittingham, Micajah Newbold, Thomas Purnell, Joyce
Newbold, Thomas 1650 9 February 1713 Murphy, Adriana  
Newbold, Thomas 1681 23 April 1746 Purnell, Joyce Newbold, Thomas Murphy, Adriana
Newbold, Thomas 1711 1747   Newbold, Thomas Purnell, Joyce
Newbold, William 28 December 1759 1760   Newbold, John Brittingham, Leah