
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Schenck. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Schenck, Helen E. February 1890     Schenck, William Johnson Egbert, Lida K.
Schenck, Hubert Gregory 24 September 1897 19 June 1960 Bergstrom, [Living] Schenck, William Johnson Egbert, Lida K.
Schenck, Mildred Louise May 1887     Schenck, William Johnson Egbert, Lida K.
Schenck, Robert Eastman 10 October 1889 8 October 1947   Schenck, William Johnson Egbert, Lida K.
Schenck, William Egbert 11 September 1885 17 September 1956 , [Living] Schenck, William Johnson Egbert, Lida K.
Schenck, William Johnson 25 November 1854   Egbert, Lida K.