
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Ammon. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Ammon, Catherine 5 June 1706 4 January 1771 Carter, Joseph I Ammon, Christopher Bristow, Mary
Ammon, Caty 1745     Ammon, Christopher Bristow, Mary
Ammon, Christopher 1711 24 April 1842 Bristow, Mary Ammon, Robert , Catherine
Ammon, Christopher 1759 24 April 1842   Ammon, Christopher Bristow, Mary
Ammon, Frances 28 October 1736 14 November 1736   Ammon, Christopher Bristow, Mary
Ammon, George 1 April 1755     Ammon, Christopher Bristow, Mary
Ammon, Lucy 27 November 1758 1826   Ammon, Christopher Bristow, Mary
Ammon, Mary 13 December 1738     Ammon, Christopher Bristow, Mary
Ammon, Nancy Ann 1 July 1760 7 May 1840   Ammon, Christopher Bristow, Mary
Ammon, Robert about 1690   , Catherine