
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Dance. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Dance, Alexander Lafette 25 April 1847 12 February 1916 Curry, Catherine Marie  
Dance, Bedford 16 February 1874     Dance, Alexander Lafette Curry, Catherine Marie
Dance, Cordelia May 1890     Dance, Alexander Lafette Curry, Catherine Marie
Dance, Elizebeth July 1884     Dance, Alexander Lafette Curry, Catherine Marie
Dance, James Wesley 8 September 1886   Gilbert, Irene Dance, Alexander Lafette Curry, Catherine Marie
Dance, John Lafayette 25 April 1870 18 May 1938 Ault, Mattie Joan Dance, Alexander Lafette Curry, Catherine Marie
Dance, Lillie April 1881     Dance, Alexander Lafette Curry, Catherine Marie
Dance, Martha Jane 17 April 1851 5 December 1921 Hudson, Calaway  
Dance, Verga September 1892     Dance, Alexander Lafette Curry, Catherine Marie
Dance, William 1878     Dance, Alexander Lafette Curry, Catherine Marie