
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Fowler. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Fowler, America 1774 1869 Mitchell, Mary“Molly”  
Fowler, Elizabeth 13 June 1697 26 September 1787 Burgess, Samuel Chew Fowler, Thomas Iiams, Susanna
Fowler, Elizabeth “ Betsy” 1795 June 1880 Wright, Richard Fowler, America Mitchell, Mary"Molly"
Fowler, Fannie S 24 September 1856 4 July 1949 Grant, James Thomas  
Fowler, Jerusha 1752 1827/1832 Duckett, Josiah  
Fowler, John Lawrence 26 February 1898 18 January 1969 Butler, Elsie Leverna  
Fowler, Josiah 1775 7 April 1817 Duckett, Sarah A.  
Fowler, Levi 6 May 1769 17 April 1819 Duckett, Martha Odell  
Fowler, Margaret 1495 1534 Partridge, William  
Fowler, Mary 1658 January 1732 Pile, Richard Dr.  
Fowler, Mary 1775   Wells, Martin  
Fowler, Ruth 1802   Odell, John  
Fowler, Thomas 19 August 1636 3 October 1727 Jordan, Hannah  
Fowler, Thomas 27 February 1673 8 January 1714 Iiams, Susanna Fowler, Thomas Jordan, Hannah
Fowler, William 16 February 1698 29 March 1769 Duvall, Susannah Fowler, Thomas Iiams, Susanna
Fowler, William 5 March 1798 23 November 1880 Alley, Comfort Lanzel