
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of McCracken. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
McCracken, Cora 1882   Fender, Gabriel Eugene  
McCracken, Harry Raymond 18 July 1894 29 May 1963 Frieze, Addie Mae,  
McCracken, Joseph G. 1798 1834 Mitchell, Elizbeth  
McCracken, Joseph L. 1832 1863 Morgan, Sarah E. McCracken, Joseph G. Mitchell, Elizbeth
McCracken, Lewis Garrett 1824 5 August 1870 Bobbitt, Sardina Polk, Bobbitt, Martha Van Buren McCracken, Joseph G. Mitchell, Elizbeth
McCracken, Lucy Matilda 28 September 1833 16 March 1908 Bell, James Miles Drew, McCracken, Joseph G. Mitchell, Elizbeth
McCracken, Margaret A. 28 January 1820 1860 Mays, Jesse O. McCracken, Joseph G. Mitchell, Elizbeth
McCracken, Mary Jane 26 February 1823 14 November 1888 Fly, William Maury McCracken, Joseph G. Mitchell, Elizbeth
McCracken, Sarah Elizabeth 3 February 1829 29 July 1914 Magee, Bluford Ancil McCracken, Joseph G. Mitchell, Elizbeth
McCracken, Theophilus Pope 23 July 1862 16 February 1918 Butler, Alice M.  
McCracken, William Hall 12 October 1826 17 July 1903 Mathews, Nancy Lee McCracken, Joseph G. Mitchell, Elizbeth