
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Vaughn. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Vaughn, Frankey 1784 1827 Palmer, Moses  
Vaughn, Mary 1 July 1660 1703 Joslin, Thomas  
Vaughn, Mary Matilda 3 June 1848 16 February 1908 Chaney, William Sampson  
Vaughn, Maud      
Vaughn, Rachel E. September 1874   Cain, Jefferson Marion  
Vaughn, Roger 1290 Waldeboeff, Joice  
Vaughn, Thomas Ap Philip 1396 1450 Watkin, Alice Verch Gwilym, Philip Fychan Ap Barry, Mawd
Vaughn, Walter 1329 Bredwardine, Florence Vaughn, Roger Waldeboeff, Joice