
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Rigsby. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Rigsby, Amanda D. December 1870 1905 Greer, Harry Roscoe, Lothridge, John William Rigsby, James Edward Roberson, Cinderella
Rigsby, Effie K. 1 October 1873 13 December 1943 Kimbro, John Robert, Smith, William Thomas Rigsby, James Edward Roberson, Cinderella
Rigsby, James Edward 23 April 1845 23 May 1930 Roberson, Cinderella  
Rigsby, Jesse W. 28 April 1875 7 December 1925 Reading, Minnie Rigsby, James Edward Roberson, Cinderella
Rigsby, Jimmy 1863 1897 Cranford, Princis  
Rigsby, Rebecca Ann 22 August 1873 1 April 1963 Bunch, William David Rigsby, James Edward Roberson, Cinderella