
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Biecker. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Biecker, Christof 11 December 1719     Rieker, Johannes Ziegler, Rosina Margaretha
Biecker, Johann David 24 April 1725 2 MäR 1804   Rieker, Johannes Ziegler, Rosina Margaretha
Biecker, Johann Gottfried 28 October 1721 4 August 1783   Rieker, Johannes Ziegler, Rosina Margaretha
Biecker, Johann Jakob 14 September 1711 15 November 1711   Rieker, Johannes Ziegler, Rosina Margaretha
Biecker, Sibylle Katharine 4 September 1723 27 MäR 1800   Rieker, Johannes Ziegler, Rosina Margaretha