
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Standish. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Standish, Anne 1480 1 June 1580 Goodloe, Rauf Standish, Christopher , Alice
Standish, Christopher 1375 1437 Fleming, Margaret  
Standish, Christopher 1460 September 1495 , Alice Standish, James De Poole, Alice
Standish, Cicely 1393 31 August 1448 Gerard, William Standish, Lawrence Pilkington, Lora Lady of Standish Lancashire
Standish, Henry de 1316 1396 Worseley, Joan Standish, John de Margery, Margaret
Standish, James De 1429 1471 Poole, Alice Standish, Sir James , Margaret
Standish, John de 1286 1350 Margery, Margaret  
Standish, Lawrence 1360 1432 Pilkington, Lora Lady of Standish Lancashire, Pilkington, Laura De, Standish, Ralph de "Sheriff of Lancashire" Bradshaigh, Cecilia
Standish, Ralph de “Sheriff of Lancashire” 1333 1392 Bradshaigh, Cecilia Standish, Henry de Worseley, Joan
Standish, Sir James 1403 1462 , Margaret Standish, Christopher Fleming, Margaret