
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Oliphant. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Oliphant, Araminta J. 15 February 1812 16 April 1890 Harbison, Joshua Hull Oliphant, John Dickson Holmes, Anne Amelia
Oliphant, Elizabeth Saunders 3 November 1810 31 July 1862 Bobbitt, William L  
Oliphant, Harriet E. 26 January 1830   Oliphant, John Dickson Holmes, Anne Amelia
Oliphant, John Dickson 1807 1850 Edwards, Phebe C, Holmes, Anne Amelia  
Oliphant, Lawrence 29 March 1506 29 March 1566 Sandilands, Margaret  
Oliphant, Mariota 1376 1412 Graham, William  
Oliphant, Mary Ann 1837 Stallings, Joseph T. Oliphant, John Dickson Holmes, Anne Amelia
Oliphant, Rufus P. about 1827     Oliphant, John Dickson Holmes, Anne Amelia
Oliphant, Samuel F. about 1844 5 August 1885 Bryant, Rosie Ann Amanda Oliphant, John Dickson Holmes, Anne Amelia