
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Mills. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Mills, Elizabeth 5 March 1645 February 1715 Whaley, Theophilus Robert Mills, John Shove, Elizabeth
Mills, Elizabeth 1704 23 July 1792 Frazee, Isaac Ephriam  
Mills, Ellin 1660 1701 Scott, Alexander Mills, John Scott, Sarah
Mills, Hannah 1700 1737 Scott, Alexander  
Mills, John     Fielder, Lydia  
Mills, John 1632 7 October 1673 Gregory, Sarah  
Mills, John 3 June 1632 27 February 1685 Shove, Elizabeth  
Mills, John 1635 1695 Scott, Sarah Mills Millis Mylles Mylls, John de Duning, Eiliz de
Mills, John 1760   Jacob, Ruth  
Mills, John 1796 1860 Edmondson, Hester  
Mills, John 1847 1930   Mills, William S Langston, Mariah
Mills, John Silas 1 April 1865 8 August 1943 Hoyleman, Laura Bell  
Mills, Martha Louisa 28 December 1842 17 December 1888 Watts, Hope Asbury Mills, William S Langston, Mariah
Mills, Mary 26 May 1660 10 February 1734 Gifford, William Ambrose Mills, John Gregory, Sarah
Mills, Mary Rose 30 July 1852 4 December 1915 Johnson, Robert Edwin, Woodward, George B.  
Mills, Nancy 1844 1845   Mills, William S Langston, Mariah
Mills, Partheny Martha 1851 1852   Mills, William S Langston, Mariah
Mills, Penelope 1782   Kellum, William Coleman  
Mills, William S 7 May 1819 14 December 1854 Langston, Mariah, Mills, John Edmondson, Hester