
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Wigginton. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Wigginton, Alfred Marion 28 February 1846 21 August 1924 McKinney, Malvina Sarah  
Wigginton, Charles S. June 1879     Wigginton, Alfred Marion McKinney, Malvina Sarah
Wigginton, Herbert M. 11 January 1889 8 September 1889   Wigginton, Alfred Marion McKinney, Malvina Sarah
Wigginton, Imogene January 1882     Wigginton, Alfred Marion McKinney, Malvina Sarah
Wigginton, Jacob H. July 1882 10 December 1900   Wigginton, Alfred Marion McKinney, Malvina Sarah
Wigginton, Mary Birdie December 1876 June 1969   Wigginton, Alfred Marion McKinney, Malvina Sarah
Wigginton, Miltee R. December 1874 28 April 1969   Wigginton, Alfred Marion McKinney, Malvina Sarah
Wigginton, Seth N. 22 December 1891 12 February 1948   Wigginton, Alfred Marion McKinney, Malvina Sarah