
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Brittingham. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Brittingham, Elijah 1708 1765 Newbold, Sarah  
Brittingham, Elijah 1750 1810   Brittingham, Elijah Newbold, Sarah
Brittingham, John 1696 1 June 1739 Beavans, Mary  
Brittingham, Leah 1730 1804 Newbold, John Brittingham, John Beavans, Mary
Brittingham, Micajah 1710 1748 Newbold, Tabitha Brittingham, Samuel Lane, Elizabeth
Brittingham, Purnell 1750 1814 Bishop, Nancy, Johnson, Keziah Brittingham, Micajah Newbold, Tabitha
Brittingham, Samuel 1681 4 October 1727 Lane, Elizabeth  
Brittingham, Samuel 1750 10 October 1793   Brittingham, Elijah Newbold, Sarah