
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Parkins. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Parkins, Charles 29 March 1727 1779 Milbourn, Patience Parkins, Isaac Booth, Mary Grace
Parkins, Elizabeth 3 September 1738 1780   Parkins, Isaac Booth, Mary Grace
Parkins, Isaac 1697 9 May 1773 Booth, Mary Grace Perkins, Ebenezer , Mercy Mary
Parkins, Jonathan 26 March 1733 10 September 1804 Milbourn, Elizabeth Parkins, Isaac Booth, Mary Grace
Parkins, Leah 1764 26 July 1784   Parkins, Isaac Booth, Mary Grace
Parkins, Lydia 22 January 1726     Parkins, Isaac Booth, Mary Grace
Parkins, Phebe 14 February 1729     Parkins, Isaac Booth, Mary Grace
Parkins, Thomas January 1737   Goodwin, Rachel Lyde Parkins, Isaac Booth, Mary Grace