
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Reresby. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Reresby, Adam de 1271 1315 Yorkshire, Thethegna of Reresby, Ralph De Normanville, Margery
Reresby, Isadore de 1223 1248 dEincourt, Amicia  
Reresby, Joan De 1300 1342 Fitz William, John Reresby, Adam de Yorkshire, Thethegna of
Reresby, Ralph De 1248 1275 Normanville, Margery Reresby, Isadore de dEincourt, Amicia
Reresby, Ralph De 1290 1347 Bradbourne, Dionisia Reresby, Adam de Yorkshire, Thethegna of