
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Angelo. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Angelo, Agnes 1895 1 July 1970   Angelo, Thomas David E. "dee" Ward, Frances Alice
Angelo, Andrew Jackson 9 January 1851 9 January 1913 Hobson, Melinda H. Angelo, David Roberts Masters, Mary Jane
Angelo, David Roberts 28 May 1819 3 March 1903 Masters, Mary Jane  
Angelo, David Ronald 11 August 1896 10 September 1990   Angelo, Thomas David E. "dee" Ward, Frances Alice
Angelo, Durral Wright 3 December 1888 26 February 1889   Angelo, James Martin Wright, Eva A.
Angelo, Hardin Robert 21 September 1847 3 May 1929 Hawley, Martha Nason, Arnold, Susan Malinda Hader Angelo, David Roberts Masters, Mary Jane
Angelo, Hazel M March 1893 1963   Angelo, James Martin Wright, Eva A.
Angelo, Hester about 1850     Angelo, David Roberts Masters, Mary Jane
Angelo, James Martin 21 September 1855 27 August 1896 Wright, Eva A. Angelo, David Roberts Masters, Mary Jane
Angelo, Julia Ann 22 December 1843 13 January 1924 Ferguson, Francis Marion Angelo, David Roberts Masters, Mary Jane
Angelo, Laurel Hass 24 July 1908 8 December 1974   Angelo, Thomas David E. "dee" Ward, Frances Alice
Angelo, Lila 1900     Angelo, Thomas David E. "dee" Ward, Frances Alice
Angelo, Louella 6 December 1888 16 April 1966   Angelo, Thomas David E. "dee" Ward, Frances Alice
Angelo, Nancy Lullah 8 February 1854 31 October 1856   Angelo, David Roberts Masters, Mary Jane
Angelo, Paul Ward 1898 25 September 1959   Angelo, Thomas David E. "dee" Ward, Frances Alice
Angelo, Roland April 1895 30 May 1909   Angelo, James Martin Wright, Eva A.
Angelo, Samantha Jane 27 November 1845 24 February 1927 Blackburn, Robert Angelo, David Roberts Masters, Mary Jane
Angelo, Seward Cecil 28 October 1890 22 January 1974   Angelo, James Martin Wright, Eva A.
Angelo, Thomas David E. “dee” 1862 9 February 1943 Ward, Frances Alice Angelo, David Roberts Masters, Mary Jane
Angelo, [Living]       Angelo, Thomas David E. "dee" Ward, Frances Alice
Angelo, [Living]       Angelo, Thomas David E. "dee" Ward, Frances Alice