
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Sanders. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Sanders, Edmund 1542 15 November 1615 Gage, Phillippa  
Sanders, John Richard 6 May 1845 10 January 1920 Sanders, Mary Ellen  
Sanders, Larinda J 15 April 1865 7 August 1943 Young, William C. Saunders, John Smythe Dr. Claypoole, Sarah Jane
Sanders, Margaret Ann August 1850 29 December 1904 Walker, Norvel, Calhoun, William M.  
Sanders, Mary Ann 1786 30 August 1855 Jenkins, Lewis  
Sanders, Mary Ellen 6 January 1844 18 April 1935 Sanders, John Richard  
Sanders, Ota B. Adda 15 February 1893 6 August 1989 Crow, Charles Herbert“Charley”  
Sanders, Ottis E. 15 February 1893 March 1974 Crow, James Dellie  
Sanders, Sarah Florence 22 September 1845 7 August 1925 Palmer, John Randolph  
Sanders, [Living]     Reynolds, Marilyn June Parker