
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Deming. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Deming, Alice 11 October 1821 11 February 1857 Bullis, Peter Deming, Sterling Bates, Eleanor
Deming, George B. 16 July 1819 14 July 1860   Deming, Sterling Bates, Eleanor
Deming, James 30 October 1825 6 May 1862   Deming, Sterling Bates, Eleanor
Deming, John 11 August 1827 19 October 1900 Miles, Sarah Ann Deming, Sterling Bates, Eleanor
Deming, Prosper 7 August 1760 March 1852 Graves, Alice  
Deming, Sarah A. 3 November 1823 29 March 1885 Cameron, Lorenso Dow Deming, Sterling Bates, Eleanor
Deming, Sterling 14 July 1793 3 March 1880 Bates, Eleanor Deming, Prosper Graves, Alice