
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Gammon. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Gammon, Alma Etta 6 April 1873 28 October 1934 Henderson, James Alfred Gammon, John Robertson Butler, Nancy C.
Gammon, Caleb Butler November 1856 7 August 1907 Smart, Sarah M. Gammon, John Robertson Butler, Nancy C.
Gammon, Elizabeth 1545 1605 Wyborn, Richard  
Gammon, Elizabeth 1808 Butler, Thomas A.  
Gammon, George Washington 5 February 1858 14 June 1933 Christian, American Virginia Gammon, John Robertson Butler, Nancy C.
Gammon, John Robertson 2 August 1833 3 January 1899 Butler, Nancy C.  
Gammon, John Thomas 15 January 1862 9 April 1941 McPherson, Maggie Fish, Shafer, Dorinda “Dora” L. Gammon, John Robertson Butler, Nancy C.
Gammon, Joseph Allison 1 March 1866 28 December 1936 Rector, Effie Deen Gammon, John Robertson Butler, Nancy C.
Gammon, Lucy Ann 30 May 1835 18 January 1875 Butler, Jacob Washington  
Gammon, Mary Elizabeth 19 May 1852 28 May 1934 Short, William Henry Gammon, John Robertson Butler, Nancy C.
Gammon, Susie     GWILLYM, John  
Gammon, William Obediah 15 April 1867 1 August 1950 Southard, Iva Ivy Belle Gammon, John Robertson Butler, Nancy C.