Fitz Piers

This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Fitz Piers. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Fitz Piers, Geoffrey Earl of Essex 14 October 1162 14 October 1213 Clare, Aveline De, Saye, Beatrice De Lutigausnah, Piers de Mandeville, Maud De
Fitz Piers, Hawise Hildegarde 1170 19 July 1223 LARWALAW, William Lutigausnah, Piers de Mandeville, Maud De
Fitz Piers, Julienne 1164 May 1198   Lutigausnah, Piers de Mandeville, Maud De
Fitz Piers, Lucy 1204 1266 Ros, William De I Fitz Herbert, Piers Fitzrobert, Alice
Fitz Piers, Petronille 1168 17 October 1198 Baliol, Eustace de Lutigausnah, Piers de Mandeville, Maud De