
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Hickerson. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Hickerson, David 1750 before 2 December 1832   Higgerson, Charles Lytle, Mary Molly
Hickerson, Jane 1762   Higgerson, Charles Lytle, Mary Molly
Hickerson, Joseph 1766 1807   Higgerson, Charles Lytle, Mary Molly
Hickerson, Mary 1755     Higgerson, Charles Lytle, Mary Molly
Hickerson, Rachel about 1765 14 November 1822   Higgerson, Charles Lytle, Mary Molly
Hickerson, Sarah 1752 February 1793   Higgerson, Charles Lytle, Mary Molly
Hickerson, Sarah about 1759 after 1810   Higgerson, Charles Lytle, Mary Molly