
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Nutter. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Nutter, Charles     Travers, Mary  
Nutter, Charles 18 May 1680 1735   Nutter, Christopher Dorman, Mary
Nutter, Christopher 7 January 1642 2 December 1702 Dorman, Mary  
Nutter, Christopher 7 January 1675 15 February 1728   Nutter, Christopher Dorman, Mary
Nutter, Christopher 1695 1749 Piper, Sarah, Evans, Ann Nutter, John Huett Purnell, Elizabeth
Nutter, Christopher 1717 UNKNOWN   Nutter, Christopher Piper, Sarah
Nutter, James 1730 28 April 1808   Nutter, Christopher Evans, Ann
Nutter, John 10 May 1667 10 May 1667   Nutter, Christopher Dorman, Mary
Nutter, John Huett 15 February 1670 15 January 1702 Purnell, Elizabeth, Nutter, Christopher Dorman, Mary
Nutter, Mary 1645 1691 Clagett, Thomas, Hooper, Richard Nutter, Charles Travers, Mary
Nutter, Mary 17 February 1672 2 December 1702   Nutter, Christopher Dorman, Mary
Nutter, Mary about 1701     Nutter, John Huett Purnell, Elizabeth
Nutter, Mary 1748 1790 Polk, Trusten Laws, Sorden, Thomas Nutter, Christopher Piper, Sarah
Nutter, Matthew 27 December 1681 17 November 1720 Huett, Ann Nutter, Christopher Dorman, Mary
Nutter, Matthew 1719 before 1739   Nutter, Christopher Piper, Sarah
Nutter, Rebekah     Nutter, John Huett Purnell, Elizabeth
Nutter, Sarah 10 July 1669 10 July 1669   Nutter, Christopher Dorman, Mary
Nutter, Sarah J 18 February 1674 15 July 1701   Nutter, Christopher Dorman, Mary
Nutter, Thomas 1735 July 1807 Goodwin, Sarah Nutter, Christopher Evans, Ann
Nutter, William 1687 11 October 1737 Taylor, Alice Nutter, Christopher Dorman, Mary