
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Burkby. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Burkby, Hannah 6 March 1655 3 May 1683 Huggins, John Burkby, Thomas Cheney, Martha
Burkby, John 16 September 1656 15 May 1657   Burkby, Thomas Cheney, Martha
Burkby, Mary 21 October 1675 13 June 1732   Burkby, Thomas Kelly, Sarah
Burkby, Sarah 1660 18 November 1729 Spofford, Samuel Burkby, Thomas Kelly, Sarah
Burkby, Thomas 3 September 1639 1 June 1701 Kelly, Sarah, Cheney, Martha  
Burkby, Thomas 25 October 1663 24 June 1709   Burkby, Thomas Kelly, Sarah