
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Chilcott. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Chilcott, Aaron 11 March 1819 16 November 1885   Chilcott, Eber Claypool, Priscilla
Chilcott, Amos 5 January 1828 20 December 1903   Chilcott, Eber Claypool, Priscilla
Chilcott, Eber 7 December 1789 4 May 1850 Claypool, Priscilla  
Chilcott, Eliza Ann 21 July 1835 1910   Chilcott, Eber Claypool, Priscilla
Chilcott, Elizabeth 27 September 1791 30 April 1845 Claypool, Philip  
Chilcott, Elizabeth 28 September 1814 8 April 1822   Chilcott, Eber Claypool, Priscilla
Chilcott, Israel Claypool 12 September 1832 28 February 1906   Chilcott, Eber Claypool, Priscilla
Chilcott, Jesse 27 September 1825 1826   Chilcott, Eber Claypool, Priscilla
Chilcott, John Claypool 4 July 1813 18 September 1814   Chilcott, Eber Claypool, Priscilla
Chilcott, Jonathan 2 February 1816 2 November 1881   Chilcott, Eber Claypool, Priscilla
Chilcott, Leah 8 November 1823 1868   Chilcott, Eber Claypool, Priscilla
Chilcott, Lydia 18 September 1821 1883   Chilcott, Eber Claypool, Priscilla
Chilcott, Margaret 2 April 1797 1871 Claypool, Philip, Fout, Frederick  
Chilcott, Priscilla 8 April 1837 1838   Chilcott, Eber Claypool, Priscilla
Chilcott, Susan 9 May 1834 1860   Chilcott, Eber Claypool, Priscilla