
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Lawes. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Lawes, Aquilla 26 July 1667 15 April 1669   Lawes, William Cheney, Mary
Lawes, John 1 March 1659 23 July 1669   Lawes, William Cheney, Mary
Lawes, Mary 9 September 1646 9 September 1652   Lawes, William Cheney, Mary
Lawes, Mary 15 October 1657 3 June 1726   Lawes, William Cheney, Mary
Lawes, Priscilla 9 November 1662 1677   Lawes, William Cheney, Mary
Lawes, Rebecca 1 June 1655 26 December 1729 Jewett, Joseph Ensign Lawes, William Cheney, Mary
Lawes, William 16 June 1620 3 March 1668 Cheney, Mary