
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Luxembourg. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Luxembourg, Frederic de I 955 6 October 1019 Von Gleiberg, Ermantrude “Irmentrude” “Grafin Konradiner”  
Luxembourg, Frederic of I Count 945 6 October 1019 Gleiberg, Irmtrud of Countess Luxembourg, Siegfreid Nordgau, Hedwig De
Luxembourg, Gisele of 1007 1058 d'Alost, Ralf Luxembourg, Frederic of I Count Gleiberg, Irmtrud of Countess
Luxembourg, Ogive of 995 21 February 1030 Hainault, Baldwin De IV  
Luxembourg, Siegfreid Nordgau, Hedwig De