
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Wishart. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Wishart, Alexander about 1595 24 August 1648 Ingles, Isobell, Wishart, James Skinner, Christian
Wishart, Cristian 21 November 1619     Wishart, Alexander Ingles, Isobell
Wishart, Elspet 3 May 1618   Wishart, Alexander Ingles, Isobell
Wishart, Isobell 16 March 1628     Wishart, Alexander Ingles, Isobell
Wishart, James 1565 1637 Skinner, Christian Wishart, Robert Gib, Janet
Wishart, Janet 25 April 1624     Wishart, Alexander Ingles, Isobell
Wishart, Richard 1515 25 April 1593 Spens, Begy  
Wishart, Robert 1535 1583 Gib, Janet Wishart, Richard Spens, Begy
Wishart, Ursilla 1626 February 1644 Clouston, Richard Wishart, Alexander Ingles, Isobell