
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Sprague. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Sprague, Charles Merton 4 March 1913 11 August 1993 Ringgenberg, Ardyce Maxine Sprague, Ralph Butler, Rebecca Elizabeth
Sprague, James Clifford 3 April 1919 7 June 2011 Mitchell, Lois Eleanor Sprague, Ralph Butler, Rebecca Elizabeth
Sprague, John Taylor 16 April 1904 21 November 1971 Edmonds, Lois Matilda Sprague, Ralph Butler, Rebecca Elizabeth
Sprague, Ralph 26 May 1880 30 June 1964 Butler, Rebecca Elizabeth  
Sprague, Raymond Butler “Lefty” 12 December 1909 24 September 1998 Van Boole, Gladys Mae Sprague, Ralph Butler, Rebecca Elizabeth
Sprague, [Living]     Ketterhegen, [Living] Sprague, Charles Merton Ringgenberg, Ardyce Maxine
Sprague, [Living]     Tordsen, [Living] Sprague, Charles Merton Ringgenberg, Ardyce Maxine