
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Provence. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Provence, Alfonso De III King of Castile 1178 9 February 1208 Sabran, Gersinde De Berenger, Alphonso Chaste Aragon Castile, Sanchia
Provence, Boson Boso II Count of Vienne King of Italy Duc 842 19 February 887 Iremgard, of Francia, Italy, Irmengard METZ, Budwine Bouin Bivin Lay Abbot Abbey Arles, Richilde Richildris Bosonid de
Provence, Constance De 935 963 Bozon, Boso Ii Count Avignon & Arles Constantine, Charles Troyes, Teutberge De
Provence, Emma De 1002 1062 Capet, William Taillefer Toulouse II Provence, Rotbold Margrave De Auvergne, Ermengarde Aquitaine De
Provence, Louis de III “The Blind” Holy Roman Emperor King of Italy about 880 928 Byzantium, Anna Augusta Porphyrogenetia Provence, Boson Boso II Count of Vienne King of Italy Duc Italy, Irmengard
Provence, Martha E May 1846 12 February 1897 Dickenson, Oscar Fitzallen, Riggs, James Walker  
Provence, Rotbold Margrave De 967 22 April 1014 Auvergne, Ermengarde Aquitaine De