
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Stanton. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Stanton, Helena de     Carleton, William  
Stanton, John 1530 1560 Townsend, Elizabeth Stanton, Thomas
Stanton, John 31 March 1641 31 October 1713 Thompson, Hannah Stanton, Thomas Lord, Ann
Stanton, John 29 September 1714 16 November 1762 Chesebrough, Prudence, Champlain, Susannah Stanton, Joseph Chesebrough, Margaret
Stanton, Joseph 22 January 1667 August 1749 Chesebrough, Margaret Stanton, John Thompson, Hannah
Stanton, Mary 1640 19 January 1733 Ridgely, Henry, Duvall, Mareen B.  
Stanton, Peninnah 25 May 1800 9 October 1863 Vernon, William  
Stanton, Prudence 7 November 1754 23 September 1825 Fanning, Roger, Williams, William Stanton, John Chesebrough, Prudence
Stanton, Thomas 1504 1529  
Stanton, Thomas 1 March 1560 1592 Pudsey, Maria Stanton, John Townsend, Elizabeth
Stanton, Thomas 1595 1678 Washington, Katherine, Stanton, Thomas Pudsey, Maria
Stanton, Thomas 30 July 1616 2 December 1677 Lord, Ann, Stanton, Thomas Washington, Katherine
Stanton, Zerviah 11 September 1742 20 March 1816 Fanning, William II, II, William Fanning, Fanning, Phineas Stanton, John Chesebrough, Prudence