
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Woley. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Woley, Agnes de 1354 1384 Woley, Robert de  
Woley, John January 1395 1461 Kriton, Jeane Woley, Robert de Woley, Agnes de
Woley, John 1453 1542 , Ann Woley*, William Robotham*, Margaret
Woley, Rafe De 1250 1300  
Woley, Rafe De 1293 1370 , Agnes, Woley, William De , Sebilla
Woley, Robert de 1350 1390 Woley, Agnes de Woley, Rafe De
Woley, William De 1271 1308 , Sebilla Woley, Rafe De