This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Ostertag. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Ostertag, Christian Albrecht | 2 September 1804 | Huber, Christiana Karolina | Ostertag, Christoph Eberhard Degler, Christina Margaretha | |
Ostertag, Christian Wilhelm | 20 September 1832 | Ostertag, Christian Albrecht Huber, Christiana Karolina | ||
Ostertag, Christoph Eberhard | 22 September 1756 | 14 January 1814 | Degler, Christina Margaretha | |
Ostertag, Johann Jacob | 18 November 1801 | Huber, Margar Sabina Gottliebin | Ostertag, Christoph Eberhard Degler, Christina Margaretha | |
Ostertag, Martin | Ostertag, Christian Albrecht Huber, Christiana Karolina |