
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Sturman. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Sturman, Ann 1635 July 1672 Hull, Augustine, Youell, Thomas Sturman, Thomas Porter, Ann
Sturman, Elizabeth 1624 1667 Hardwick, William Sturman, Thomas Porter, Ann
Sturman, John 1533 Barryce, Elizabeth  
Sturman, John 1620 1655 Hallowes, Elizabeth Sturman, Thomas Porter, Ann
Sturman, Richard 1631 1669 Hall, Rebecca Brent Sturman, Thomas Porter, Ann
Sturman, Rosamond 1629 28 January 1713 Newton, John, Tucker, John, Gerard, Thomas Sturman, Thomas Porter, Ann
Sturman, Thomas 1584 1654 Porter, Ann Sturman, John Barryce, Elizabeth
Sturman, [Living]     , Elizabeth