
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Chandlee. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Chandlee, Benjamin Lewis 11 October 1820 26 May 1853 Whitacre, Rebecca Potts Chandlee, Goldsmith Neill, Phoebe
Chandlee, Elias Neil 6 October 1826 6 September 1830   Chandlee, Goldsmith Neill, Phoebe
Chandlee, Eunice Anne 9 October 1817 March 1838   Chandlee, Goldsmith Neill, Phoebe
Chandlee, Goldsmith 18 August 1751 4 March 1821 White, Ann, Yarnell, Hannah  
Chandlee, Goldsmith 2 February 1788 29 September 1842 Neill, Phoebe Chandlee, Goldsmith Yarnell, Hannah
Chandlee, Hannah 10 December 1811 15 December 1811   Chandlee, Goldsmith Neill, Phoebe
Chandlee, John Goldsmith 1815 5 June 1892 Pitman, Esther, Chandlee, Goldsmith Neill, Phoebe
Chandlee, Mary Elizabeth 13 April 1813 22 March 1838 Hibberd, Israel Chandlee, Goldsmith Neill, Phoebe
Chandlee, Ruth Jane 1822   Davis, Benjamin Franklin Chandlee, Goldsmith Neill, Phoebe
Chandlee, Sarah 1761 11 June 1799 Cann, James