
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Randolph. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Randolph, Agnes 1300 1367 Dunbar, Patrick Randolph, Thomas II "Earl of Moray" Brus, Isabella Stewart de
Randolph, Constance 1665 20 May 1754 Masters, Robert Randolph, William
Randolph, Isobel 1310 1350 Dunbar, Patrick Randolph, Thomas Stewart, Isobel
Randolph, Nancy 1798 1850 Carter, Andrew Anderson  
Randolph, Thomas 1147 18 May 1262 Moray, Juliana de  
Randolph, Thomas II “Earl of Moray” 1266 20 July 1332 Brus, Isabella Stewart de Randolph, Thomas Moray, Juliana de
Randolph, Thomas 1278 20 July 1332 Stewart, Isobel  
Randolph, William 1640