
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Cushman. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Cushman, Beulah Jane 21 February 1901 3 July 1963   Cushman, Frederick Waterman Fletcher, Lois"Lula"Ann
Cushman, Frank Bryan 22 November 1898 18 December 1974 Grotfeld, Rosa Regina Cushman, Frederick Waterman Fletcher, Lois"Lula"Ann
Cushman, Fred Fletcher 29 September 1905 23 March 2001   Cushman, Frederick Waterman Fletcher, Lois"Lula"Ann
Cushman, Frederick Waterman 2 February 1870 16 June 1916 Fletcher, Lois“Lula”Ann  
Cushman, June Louise 16 February 1904 11 July 1993 Pedersen, Nels Amos Cushman, Frederick Waterman Fletcher, Lois"Lula"Ann
Cushman, Martha Arlene 25 October 1902 8 February 1929   Cushman, Frederick Waterman Fletcher, Lois"Lula"Ann
Cushman, Nelle Mae 12 September 1907 20 March 1985 Cowan, William Lloyd Cushman, Frederick Waterman Fletcher, Lois"Lula"Ann
Cushman, Norma Jean 2 July 1927 29 May 2006   Cushman, Frank Bryan Grotfeld, Rosa Regina
Cushman, Russell Bryan 5 August 1938 24 December 2003   Cushman, Frank Bryan Grotfeld, Rosa Regina
Cushman, Ruth Elizabeth 8 January 1910 15 September 1990 Osburn, Opil Bentley Slocum, Osburn, Opil Bentley Slocum Cushman, Frederick Waterman Fletcher, Lois"Lula"Ann
Cushman, [Living]       Cushman, Frank Bryan Grotfeld, Rosa Regina