
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Dorman. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Dorman, Edmund 4 October 1640 1 May 1711   Dorman, Matthew Strout, Sarah
Dorman, Elizabeth 1620 1671 Purnell, Thomas Dorman, John Hickman, Sarah
Dorman, Jessie 1615     Dorman, Matthew Strout, Sarah
Dorman, John 1603 15 August 1655 Hickman, Sarah Dorman, Matthew Strout, Sarah
Dorman, Leah     Dorman, Matthew Strout, Sarah
Dorman, Mary 1649 2 December 1702 Nutter, Christopher Dorman, John Hickman, Sarah
Dorman, Matthew 1568 15 August 1665 Strout, Sarah  
Dorman, Sarah   Purnell, Thomas Dorman, John Hickman, Sarah
Dorman, William about 1615 1665   Dorman, Matthew Strout, Sarah