
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Allardice. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Allardice, Elizabeth about 1570   Rait, David Allardice, John Keith, Beatrice
Allardice, James about 1564 1646 Arbuthnott, Margaret Allardice, John Keith, Beatrice
Allardice, John 1541 21 August 1606 Keith, Beatrice  
Allardice, John 1562 29 July 1628 Lindsey, Alison Allardice, John Keith, Beatrice
Allardice, Margaret about 1572 August 1610 Falconer, John, Beton, Alexander Allardice, John Keith, Beatrice
Allardice, Robert 1561 26 December 1587 Forbes, Barbara Allardice, John Keith, Beatrice
Allardice, Thomas 1560 29 September 1627 Ogilvy, Elizabeth Allardice, John Keith, Beatrice