
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Hite. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Hite, Clarence A 22 March 1877 16 May 1931 Bierhaus, Clara Marie Hite, David Greaser, Mariah
Hite, David 8 May 1839 26 July 1929 Greaser, Mariah, Reid, Sarah  
Hite, Emery 1887 1890   Hite, David Greaser, Mariah
Hite, George W. 8 December 1861 4 December 1941 Holycross, Jessie B. Hite, David Reid, Sarah
Hite, Henry Herbert 26 March 1882 21 February 1972 Thomas, Nova Elizabeth Hite, David Greaser, Mariah
Hite, Ida Mae 13 August 1879 9 December 1938   Hite, David Greaser, Mariah
Hite, Jessie Flossie 3 February 1890 15 April 1971 Vance, Ilef Hite, David Greaser, Mariah
Hite, Joseph W 1 June 1865 7 December 1884   Hite, David Reid, Sarah
Hite, Lulu Pearl 30 November 1883 3 August 1962 Baker, Joseph H. Hite, David Greaser, Mariah
Hite, Mary Margaret 14 February 1870 7 August 1953 Brewer, James Forrest Hite, David Reid, Sarah
Hite, Nancy 21 February 1766 Hight, Matthew