
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Weathers. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Weathers, America Jane 6 May 1835 1 November 1915 Barrett, Thomas Valentine Sr. Weathers, Jesse Sturgis, Martha Elizabeth
Weathers, Isham 2 May 1780 10 June 1863 Weathers, Mary “Polly”  
Weathers, Jesse 1805 4 May 1876 Sturgis, Martha Elizabeth Weathers, Isham Weathers, Mary "Polly"
Weathers, Mary “Polly” 15 May 1783 1863 Weathers, Isham  
Weathers, Mary Alice 26 September 1832 27 October 1876 Lee, Isham Bailey Weathers, Jesse Sturgis, Martha Elizabeth